Morning Inspiration
Without God I am NOTHING
With him I am EVERYTHING he made me to be.
A worshiper, mother, wife, sister, friend, lover of his people.
I strive to live in my purpose that he has given me. Life sometimes can be a challenge but you have to keep pushing keep trying and never give up. God didn't make you to be a quitter but a winner of the race you are running. Trials and tribulations are only here to make you strong. Sometimes God will put us to the test to see how much we truly love him and to see how faithful we are to him. Life was not made to be easy but my dear sister God made you strong. You are made to weather the storms in life, he made you to ride the waves and the currents. So when you feel like you are at your weakest remember God is there.... Pick yourself back up ,put a smile on your face and finish the race.
Need a better job...Go search and find one.
Need a new car....get your credit together and buy you one. Here is a link to keep up with your credit report for FREE 24/7...
With him I am EVERYTHING he made me to be.
A worshiper, mother, wife, sister, friend, lover of his people.
I strive to live in my purpose that he has given me. Life sometimes can be a challenge but you have to keep pushing keep trying and never give up. God didn't make you to be a quitter but a winner of the race you are running. Trials and tribulations are only here to make you strong. Sometimes God will put us to the test to see how much we truly love him and to see how faithful we are to him. Life was not made to be easy but my dear sister God made you strong. You are made to weather the storms in life, he made you to ride the waves and the currents. So when you feel like you are at your weakest remember God is there.... Pick yourself back up ,put a smile on your face and finish the race.
Need a better job...Go search and find one.
Need a new car....get your credit together and buy you one. Here is a link to keep up with your credit report for FREE 24/7...
Need a new house....get your finances in order and make it happen. Stop living on a Michael Kors budget when you know you can only afford Walmart and Target (and you better know they have amazing bags too). There are a TON of FREE apps on that iphone and Android to help you stay within your budget. I use a app called mint.
Pack your lunch and stop eating out.. I was spending 35-40 a week on eating out for lunch.. thats a total rough total of $140!
Rent red box its only $1
Tell your kids NO I don't have it right now Mom is working on our future.
Shop at Goodwill and Thrift stores...hey you can't be too proud!
Clip those coupons
Make a family night at home.
Go in your prayer closet and cry out to God roll around in there and thank him.
Cast all your cares upon him for he cares for you.
You better believe he is waiting on you.
You got this!
Need a new house....get your finances in order and make it happen. Stop living on a Michael Kors budget when you know you can only afford Walmart and Target (and you better know they have amazing bags too). There are a TON of FREE apps on that iphone and Android to help you stay within your budget. I use a app called mint.
Pack your lunch and stop eating out.. I was spending 35-40 a week on eating out for lunch.. thats a total rough total of $140!
Rent red box its only $1
Tell your kids NO I don't have it right now Mom is working on our future.
Shop at Goodwill and Thrift stores...hey you can't be too proud!
Clip those coupons
Make a family night at home.
Go in your prayer closet and cry out to God roll around in there and thank him.
Cast all your cares upon him for he cares for you.
You better believe he is waiting on you.
You got this!
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