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Walking in your Purpose

Walking in your purpose  " For I know the plans  I have for you,” declares the  Lord , “plans to prosper  you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future" . Jeremiah 29:11 I did a few youtube videos but I have quickly learned that is not for me,I would rather write, I would rather write my soul out to deliver the Gospel. So no more youtube videos for me...Blog YES instagram YES! I am straight to the point with everything God places on my heart. I have NO time for short cuts,no time to patty cake the word of God. We are living in the last of last days,time waits for no one we have to get it together and get it together quick. Satan is sitting waiting on any and slip ups. Any little crack to slip through,don't give him a crack to come in on,cover up with full force.  I have searched for YEARS for my purpose on this earth, I always knew I loved to serve others,I had a passion to help other women be the best they could be. I could form a group a

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